Why collaborate?
The Carolina Union Activities Board exists to enhance life at Carolina through high-quality programming and events for the entire university community. CUAB aims to provide diverse programs to reach the entire student body, and collaboration with other student organizations is an important part of our work. The collaboration process is holistic in nature, requiring both parties to be actively involved throughout the programming process -- from planning to execution. Collaborations can include monetary and marketing assistance.
What are we looking for?
1. Representation. The Board should consider the number of students represented and the intended programming conducted by the organization.
2. Vitality. The Board should consider the organization’s past campus involvement and the amount of anticipated involvement.
3. Diversity. The Board should consider the ability of an organization to speak on behalf of underrepresented voices in union programming and the campus community.
What's next?
1. If your student organization is interested in programming an event with CUAB, then please fill out a Collaboration Request below
2. After reviewing requests, we will contact organizations within two academic school weeks with the board’s decision.
Collaborate with CUAB
Note: The collaboration process usually takes up to two weeks so requests should be submitted at least three weeks prior to the event.