Academic Courses

Student Life & Leadership offers several for-credit academic courses at UNC.

EDUC 309: Foundations in Leadership

Course Description:

Foundations in Leadership is a three-credit course designed to provide students with a comprehensive review of leadership concepts, theories, and skills. Students will explore their values, beliefs within the context of their own lives and others while critically analyzing their own leadership skills and strengths and how to put them into action.  

EDUC 318 Peer Leadership

Course Description:

Peer Leadership in the University Environment will define leadership within a local and global context.  This course is designed to be an exploration of how values, beliefs, and social identities intersect to influence one’s leadership philosophy. Students will develop their leadership identity not only through self-awareness, but through enhanced intercultural competence in an effort to collaborate and promote social change in the community. Through ongoing analytical reflection, students will develop a personal definition of leadership informed by different foundational leadership models. Students will integrate and apply their learning by engaging in an interactive service-learning experience; thereby, transforming leadership philosophy into practice and actualizing positive social change in the University community. Students in the NC Fellows Cohorts, will take this course their junior year for 2 credits.

EDUC 317: Dynamics of Effective Leadership

Course Description:

Dynamics of Effective Leadership is a one-credit, pass/fail senior seminar that provides students the opportunity to synthesize prior knowledge about leadership models and theories and apply them in specific contexts.  The course is intended to generate critical thought, reflection, and application of leadership development and civic engagement.  Students will be required to engage in personal reflection concerning their beliefs and values about leadership. Students will be expected to engage in discussion that leads to a more comprehensive understanding and connection of leadership skill building and civic engagement. Additionally, this class will help students gain a better understanding of leadership and its application to daily life. 

Students who are interested in participating in a leadership development course should enroll for EDUC 309, 317, and 318 through Connect Carolina.


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