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Board of Directors

Our Board of Directors is a representative group of campus leaders including undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, as well as the Director of the Carolina Union. The Board meets regularly to discuss the operation of the Union and improving student experiences within the building.  

2024-25 Carolina Union Board of Directors Members

Sahra Rajani, Carolina Union Chair

Mia Manicone, Carolina Union Vice Chair & CUAB President

Jack Hillis, Deputy Chief of Staff of Undergraduate Student Government

Katie Heath, President of Graduate and Professional Student Government

Matthew Tweden, Speaker of the Undergraduate Senate

William Kelley, President of the Residence Hall Association


Erin McLurkin, Student

Chase Pierce, Carolina Union Student Employee

Emma Roussin, Student


Simon Cook, Alpha Phi Omega 

Samee Ghaffar, Muslim Students Association

Samantha Greene, Black Student Movement 

Alexandria Poulos, Panhellenic Association VP of Campus Outreach 


Dr. Erica Johnson 

Dr. Sean Matharoo 


Joe Singer, Carolina Union - Director of Event Services and Senior Assoc. Director

Tiwana Hopper-Gould, Carolina Union - Director of Business Services

Tori Holder, Carolina Union – Associate Director of Communications & Creative Services

Christen Flowers, Carolina Union Tenant - CDS

Whitney Forbes, Carolina Union Tenant – Fraternity & Sorority Life

Aditya Senthil, Carolina Union Tenant – APPLES

Ion Outterbridge, Carolina Union Tenant – Fraternity & Sorority Life

Tristan Routh, Carolina Union Tenant - Student Legal Services

Lauren Lopresti, Campus Recreation


Alexandra Marchesano, Executive Director of the Carolina Union

Carolina Union Bylaws

BOD Minutes

2020 BOD Minutes

Due to COVID no minutes.

BOD Agenda

2023 BOD Agendas

Check back. The BOD Agenda Archive is in the process of being compiled and will show up here.

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