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Login here to 25Live if you are ready to book your event:

Who Can Request Space and How to do it

Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) and University Sponsored Organizations (USOs)UNC-CH Departments and Campus Based Non-AffiliatesNon-Affiliates - Any group or individual other than a university-sponsored or University-affiliated group.
  • Any student officer or member of the organization. Not the advisor.

  • Must complete 25Live training
  • Any staff or faculty member.

  • Must complete 25Live training
  • Online (25Live)

  • In-Person

  • Email
  • Online (25Live)

  • In-Person

  • Email
  • In-Person

  • Email


Anyone may submit a request via email, request may be submitted by email to [email protected].

  • Emailed requests must follow the reservation request timeline determined by the venue.
  • All emailed requests will be required to complete an electronic service agreement before reservation confirmation.
  • RSO, USOs and Department emailed requests must have at least one contact with 25Live access.

In-Person Requests:

  • Visit the Carolina Union, Office of Event Services at 209 South Road Chapel Hill, NC 27599, 3rd Floor Suite 3103.

In-person requests must follow the reservation request timeline determined by the venue.

Reservable Dates

Here are the reservable dates and when you can reserve them:

  • Venue availability is subject to Carolina Union Building Hours.
  • Blackouts are placed in 25Live for days our building is closed, reduced hours, or when the request timeframe has been reached.
SemesterSummer 2024Fall 2024Spring 2025Summer 2025
Reservable datesMay 15 – July 31August 19 – December 4January 8 – April 29May 14 – July 31
When you can reserveRESERVE NOWRESERVE NOWRESERVE NOWReserve starting October 31, 2024*

*Requests may be tentatively placed, no reservation will be confirmed until summer orientation has been scheduled.

First Day of Reservations 2024

First Day of Reservations (FDR) will be Thursday, April 11, 2024. On FDR, Carolina Union spaces will be available for booking for Fall 2024 - Spring 2025.

Fall 2024: Monday, August 19 – Wednesday, December 4

  • Carolina Union supported General Purpose Classrooms will be reservable starting two weeks after the start of the semester, M-F after 6 pm and weekends in alignment with the Carolina Union operating hours.
  • The Great Hall will be under an electrical upgrade renovation and not reservable from November 11, 2024 - January 5, 2025. 

Spring 2025: Wednesday, January 8 – Tuesday, April 29

  • Carolina Union supported General Purpose Classrooms will be reservable starting two weeks after the start of the semester, M-F after 6 pm and weekends in alignment with the Carolina Union  operating hours.

Things to do and know when planning your upcoming event year:

  1. Ask questions at any of our First Day of Reservations Info Sessions! RSVP here.
  2. Designate 1-2 staff members from your area to submit reservations on behalf of your department in 25Live.
  3. Complete your 25Live training and become more familiar with the scheduling system. More information regarding 25Live training can be found on the ReserveCarolina website.
  4. Reserve space based on anticipated needs and past organization/department event trends.
  5. Know Carolina Union reservation guidelines and policies.
  6. Have alternative dates/locations for large events should your space be unavailable.
  7. Remember that General Purpose Classrooms (GPCs) will continue to be reserved for the current semester. GPCs will not be available during this window of early reservation.
  8. A registered/sponsored student organization’s use of two (2) or more same day bookings will incur a use charge, see pricing here

Timeline for processing your requests:

  • Meeting room reservations submitted between April 11th and April 30th will be confirmed or responded to by May 4th.  
  • Performance Venues and Lounge reservations submitted between April 11 and April 30th will be processed by May 10th. Our team will review your reservation and send you the Tentative Event Email with the next steps to receive confirmation.
  • Requests received after April 30th are subject to our normal review process.

Venue Request Timeframes

Here are the venue request timeframes and processing timeframe, please use this as a guide for your event planning.

  • Requests submitted in the provided timeframe will ensure we can adequately support your reservation needs.
  • Requests received under these timeframes will be reviewed but are not guaranteed to be approved.
Performance VenuesLounges & LobbiesMeeting RoomsExterior LocationsGeneral Purpose Classrooms
Timeline45+ business days from your event date.30+ business days from your event date.2+ business days from your event date.

Weekend & Monday meeting room requests must be submitted by 5pm Wednesday.
2+ business days for Solicitation Tables and Pit Sits from your date.

14+ business days for Pit Events from your event date.
2+ business days from your meeting date.

30+ business days for GPC Events from your event date.

Weekend & Monday meeting room requests must be submitted by 5pm Wednesday.
Review and Confirmation7 business days following your consultation meeting.7 business days following your consultation meeting.2 business days following your submission.2 business days for Solicitation Tables and Pit Sits following your submission.

5 business days for Pit Events following your submission.
2 business days following your submission.

5 business days following your submission for GPC events.

Helpful Things to Know When Using 25Live

  • How to find Carolina Union venues:
    • Search using "GSU" 
    • Use the 25Live Public Location Searches
      • Carolina Union Meeting Rooms
      • Carolina Union Exterior Locations
      • Carolina Union Performance Locations
  • How to submit a reoccurring meeting reservation:
    • Please make separate reservations for Fall and Spring reoccurring meetings 
  • How to interpret and setup your event times:
    • We recommend that all clients add Pre-Event and Post-Event times to their reservation. Here is how to interpret the times in your reservation. If you need assistance update your reservation please reach out to Event Services.
      • Setup and Take Down (not adjustable): this timeframe in your reservation is the system designated buffer for our Event Services
      • Pre-Event: this time frame is your time to setup for your event (decorate, confirm correct setup, rehearse, etc.). Thirty-minutes to one hour of pre-event time is recommended.
      • Event: The start time (doors open) and end time (program end) of your event.
      • Post-Event: this timeframe is your time to takedown decorations and equipment from you event. Thirty-minutes to one hour of post-event time is recommended for attendee departure and event clean-up.
  • 25Live Guides

How to Update Your Reservation

Any requests to change the date/time, space, layout, equipment, contacts, and services on a reservation can be requested through email, phone or in person to Event Services.

The person requesting the change must be listed on the reservation. 


  1. Email [email protected]; subject line: [Reference Number], Reservation Update, and describe in detail the updates needed.
  2. Please allow 2 business days for a response.


  1. Call 919-843-3832 or visit us at 209 South Road Chapel Hill, NC 27599, 3rd Floor Suite 3103.
  2. Please have your reference number ready.  
  3. Describe in detail the updates needed.
  4. Allow 2 business days for updates to be reflected in 25Live.

After any update to your reservation, you should receive a new event details/estimate document. You can request a copy at any time by emailing Event Services.

How to Cancel Your Reservation

  • All cancellations of space, staff, and equipment must be submitted in writing (email is acceptable) to Event Services.  
  • Cancellations by UNC or Carolina Union: The University and Carolina Union have the right to cancel any event due to an emergency or perceived threat for any circumstance including, but not limited to, severely inclement weather, flood, facility condition, staff difficulties, civil tumult, strike, epidemic, acts or regulations of public or University authorities (including, without limitation, social distancing measures to limit the spread of contagious disease), interruption or delay of transportation service, utilities failure not due to University negligence, acts of God or war, terrorism, hazard to public safety, arrest or conviction of a member of Purchaser for behavior in conflict with the mission of the University, or any cause beyond the control of the University.  
  • Event Cancellations: Failure to confirm and/or provide event details to the Office of Events Services at least three weeks (21 days) in advance will result in the cancellation of the event.  
  • If a reservation is canceled more than three weeks (21 days) prior to the event, no charges will be assessed provided the Office of Event Services or the University has not incurred expenses required to provide the requested facilities or other services.  
Date Amount 
Event Cancellation Fee – Less than 3 weeks 25% of event related charges 
Event Cancellation Fee – Less than 2 weeks 50% of event related charges 
Event Cancellation Fee – Less than 1 week 100% of event related charges 
No Show/No Cancellation Fee 100% of event related charges  
  • Meeting Cancellations: Cancellations must be received at least two (2) business days in advance of the meeting date. If client fails to cancel a reservation and the meeting is not held, all incurred expenses and a no-show fee of $25 will be charged. 
  • Cube Cancellations: Cancellations must be made a minimum of two (2) days in advance. Failure to do so will result in the loss the paint cart deposit.  

How to Check In/Out of Your Carolina Union Reservation

Please make sure you are listed on the reservation.

Reservations that are not checked in/out will receive a no-show notice and associated fees will be applied.   

  1. Visit the Carolina Union Welcome Desk within 15 mins of your reservation start time.
  2. Show and scan your UNC OneCard (physical or digital), non-affiliate groups please show your driver license and provide a phone number. 
  3. Have a great meeting/event!
  4. Return to the Welcome Desk to check out.

Reservation Closeouts

All reservations go through a close out process after the event date or last reoccurring booking. All reservations with charges are invoiced on the 2nd and 4th Friday of each month. Invoicing dates may be adjusted to accommodate building closures and holidays. Information about how to pay your Carolina Union invoice can be found here.

Other Campus Venues

For more on campus venues for events visit ReserveCarolina.

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