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General Purpose Classrooms Policies

Please Note:  Food is prohibited in General Purpose Classrooms.  Alcohol is not permitted in any space reserved through the Office of Event Services.

Open to the public - If the reservation is open to members outside of the reserving organization it is deemed as open to the public.

Members only - If the reservation is only open to members of the reserving organization it is deemed as members only.

  • General Purpose Classrooms are provided as meeting spaces for student organizations and University departments.
  • Carolina Union Guest Services staff will be provided to ensure safe use of spaces for members only reservations.
  • Student organizations will be responsible for costs associated open to public reservations.
  • Reservations are available two weeks after the start of the current semester on the First Day of Reservations in the Event Services Office. 

Self-Service Classrooms

Carroll 111, Hamilton 100, Hanes Art Center 121, Howell 115, and Manning 209 are self-service spaces and will not have staff available for building access or monitoring.  These rooms can be reserved no more than once a week for the duration of a semester by student organizations demonstrating need for large space for their regular meetings.  To qualify for a weekly meeting in these rooms a student organization must have at least 75 attending members.

This policy follows the UNC-CH Facilities Use Policy

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