Carolina Together: Updated Testing Hours at the Union
The Carolina Union is serving as a Carolina Together testing site this semester for regular…
Snapshots of Carolina
What’s your Carolina Snapshot? Every day, in a multitude of ways, Carolina students demonstrate their engagement, leadership, and creativity. Being a Tar Heel can mean anything from wearing Carolina Blue to…
Union Cup Awarded
This year the Union’s student employees have been on a magical adventure as they competed for the ultimate prize of the Union Cup. At the culminating event, our End of…
Employee of the Semester
Zach Smathers was recently honored at the Carolina Union End of Term Feast as the 2014 Employee of the Semester. Throughout this semester, Zach has succeeded beyond staff expectations in…
Study Spaces Available in the Union
Beginning Saturday, April 26, 2014, the Union will offer additional study spaces from 8:00am through 11:00pm. The spaces will be available until Tuesday, May 6, 2014, and are listed below:…
Chancellor’s Open House
The Student Advisory Committee to the Chancellor (SACC) will host the Chancellor's inaugural Student Open House on April 14th from 3:30pm-5:00pm in the Aquarium Lounge of the FPG Student Union.…
LeaderShape at Carolina
LeaderShape is a 6 day living-learning experience that focuses living and leading with integrity and having a healthy disregard for the impossible. At Carolina, students spend the week of Spring…