What’s your Carolina Snapshot? Every day, in a multitude of ways, Carolina students demonstrate their engagement, leadership, and creativity. Being a Tar Heel can mean anything from wearing Carolina Blue to drinking from the Old Well to working in a community garden to doing research in a foreign country.
Submit your photos of campus life at Carolina by tagging your public Twitter or Instagram photos with #carolinasnapshots. The Carolina Union wants to put your photos on display in the Art Gallery to provide a snapshot of Carolina to all incoming students, parents and families, and other members of the University community.
Participation is open to all members of the University community.
To submit a photo/photos, post with your public Twitter or Instagram account and tag #carolinasnapshots.
Only posts from public Twitter and Instagram accounts can be accessed for the exhibit.
You may submit photos from the 2015-2016 academic year and/or current photos.
Photos with offensive or inappropriate content will be deleted.
By submitting your photo, you agree to allow the Carolina Union to share your photo via social media accounts, website, and to include the photo in the exhibit.
There is no limit to the number of photos you may submit.
This program is co-sponsored by the Carolina Union and the Carolina Union Activities Board.