
Taking time to reflect

May 25 marks one year since the senseless murder of George Floyd. We have lived through a year of…

May 25, 2021

Did You Know: Carolina Union Assessment Highlights

Customer service is a core value at the Union and it shows. 88 percent of the Union’s clients have indicated that the positive attitude exhibited by Union Staff exceeded expectations.…

July 15, 2015

Osborne Wants More

Are you searching for something that is tailor-made for your interests? An organization that allows for student growth and an all-inclusive Carolina experience? Well, look no further; the Carolina Union…

July 15, 2015

Join Us on Sunday, August 16, 2015, for FallFest

Now in its nineteenth year, FallFest kicks off the school year with a celebration of student activities! Join us on South Road and Hooker Fields for a night of demonstrations,…

June 26, 2015

2016 Orientation at the Carolina Union

It may be summertime, but the Carolina Union is full of activity each week thanks to UNC-CH Orientation. In partnership with the Office of New Student & Carolina Parent Programs,…

June 12, 2015

Burns to Serve as 2015-2016 Carolina Union Employee Forum (CUEF) Chair

The Carolina Union is happy to announce Melissa Serrano Burns as the newly elected Carolina Union Employee Forum (CUEF) Chair for the 2015-2016 year. Current CUEF members and a panel…

May 18, 2015

Student Staff Hunger Games Banquet

The Carolina Union recently honored all student employees at the year-end Hunger Games Banquet. The celebration, which took place in the Great Hall on Wednesday, April 29, recognized the hard…

May 13, 2015

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