Meet a Board Member: Ryan Collins
Ryan Collins is a third-year student at the UNC School of Law and is president of the Graduate…
FallFest Returns
FallFest 2013 was a great success! Opening with a Unity Step performance by the National Pan-Hellenic Council, a welcome by Chancellor Holt and Vice Chancellor Crisp and athletic team presentations…
Meet Your 2013-14 Carolina Union President
Carly Mathews will serve as President of the Carolina Union for 2013-14, presiding over both the Board of Directors and the Carolina Union Activities Board. Mathews, a senior from Cary,…
Updated Policies from Event Services
Effective March 4, 2013. The Pit, solicitation table and off-site table guidelines will be changed to reflect the following: In the event of rain or other inclement weather, Pit reservations…
LeaderShape at Carolina
The LeaderShape Institute is a national leadership program, hosted at 70 campuses worldwide and over 50,000 graduates of the program. In its third year at Carolina, The LeaderShape Institute provides…
Carolina Union Activities Board 2013-14
CUAB is hard at work this summer, planning and coordinating events for the Fall semester. They have fantastic weekend films planned, a viewing of the UNC vs. South Carolina football…
Project Union
Project Union is a series of creative weekly events produced entirely by student employees of the Union. It promotes collaboration, communication, and community among our employees as well as the…