
FallFest is canceled for 2021

Carolina Union’s annual FallFest celebration provides a fun welcome to campus for all. New and…

July 19, 2021

CUEF & Carolina Cupboard host food drive to benefit the Carolina community

Carolina Union Employee Forum (CUEF) and Carolina Cupboard are collaborating for a community food drive from November 30 through December 11. Students are encouraged to participate by bringing items that are…

November 13, 2015

Solar Panel Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

To celebrate the successful solar panel installation on the roof of the FPG Student Union, the UNC Renewable Energy Special Projects Committee (RESPC), the Carolina Union, Strata Solar, SMA America,…

October 9, 2015

Canceled Event: An Evening with Diane Guerrero

Due to inclement weather, An Evening with Diane Guerrero, scheduled for Sunday, October 4, 2015, has been canceled. This event is a joint collaboration with Carolina Union Activities Board, Carolina…

October 2, 2015

Success, Growth and Celebration Mark 10th Anniversary of Carolina United

Celebrating its 10th anniversary this year, Carolina United welcomed UNC students to Camp Oak Hill to participate in a five-day program designed to explore the meaning of diversity and leadership.…

September 14, 2015

BOD At-Large Applications Available

Applications are now available for the appointed Student Member-At-Large position for the Carolina Union Board of Directors. The appointed Student Member-at-Large is a student who shall be selected by the…

August 31, 2015

Event Services Launches Reserve Carolina

All summer, the Office of Event Services has been busy working to make improvements to their online reservation process. The new system, Reserve Carolina (formerly Virtual EMS), includes an easier-to-navigate online…

August 11, 2015

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