Union Helps Young Dems Host Sanders at UNC

Presidential candidate and US Senator Bernie Sanders is coming to Carolina. UNC Young Democrats have announced that Sanders will speak at a campaign rally at the Bell Tower Amphitheater https://maps.unc.edu on UNC’s campus on Thursday, Sept. 19th.

The Carolina Union is providing venue scheduling, logistical and AV support for this event and is proud to assist the Young Democrats in this effort. We will continue to help all student organizations who want to contribute to political dialogue on campus throughout the 2020 election season and beyond. 

Event Information for Students
At 2:30 pm, the student line will be forming near the amphitheater. Students must present a valid UNC One card to gain entry. No bags allowed. Entry will begin at 3:30pm.

Event Information for the General Public
A line will form near the amphitheater at 3:30pm. Entry will begin at 4pm. No bags allowed.

Use the Rams Head parking deck for event parking. The Bell Tower deck will not be available.

Refer to the map below for event and line locations.

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