Student Staff Spotlight: Jamie Dilauro

Jaime Dilauro (Class of 2017) is a Public Policy and Gender Studies double major, and a student supervisor at Information Services. The Information Desk is located on the second floor in the main lobby. Jaime provides sign-up, sign-out, and sign-here for many events and activities. She also provides maps, answers questions, and serves as the informational hub for all that goes on in the Union. Get to know a little bit about her!

Where are you from?

I was born in New Jersey, but I grew up in a teeny town called Weldon, North Carolina. It’s in the special part of the state (Halifax County) that’s comprised almost entirely of gas stations and fast food restaurants. It’s actually the rockfish capital of the world, so there’s a 30-foot tall rockfish monument when you first drive into town. Google it if you ever need a dose of small-town weirdness.

What first brought you to the Carolina Union?

I spent a lot of time in the Union prior to working here. As a first year, the Union’s programs and events were a really great chance to get out and meet people. Treat Yourself Thursday was my favorite recurring event, and not just because of the free cupcakes. I wholeheartedly advocate treating yourself, and it’s especially important for college students.

How do you spend your time when you aren’t working?

I like to read, and I read a lot for both of my majors. Other than that, I’ve gotten into cooking this year. Also, if you see me around, ask me if I’ve gone to yoga lately. (I probably haven’t.)

Tell us something about yourself we wouldn’t normally guess.

I’m an extremely competitive person. The problem is, I’m not great at sports, so I always lose and get angry. I didn’t participate in high school sports because it was such a problem.

What is your favorite Tar Heel memory?

It’s hard to pick one, but I think my most important memory occurred when I toured Carolina in high school. I had been really wishy washy about which college I wanted to attend, but when I toured Carolina, I knew that it was the school for me. I actually cried in the Planetarium because I thought it was so beautiful. That’s my favorite memory, because it opened the doors for all the other memories I’ve made.

Recommend a music album and a movie for us.

Elvis Depressedly’s Holo Pleasures is one of my favorite fall albums, and I’ve been listening to that a lot. Obviously, Beyoncé’s Lemonade was one of the best albums of all time. As far as movies are concerned, I recently enjoyed Dope and The Big Short. Good Will Hunting is probably my all-time favorite, though.


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