Spring Recruitment Begins for Fraternities and Sororities

Looking for ways to get more involved in campus life this spring? Be sure to take advantage of upcoming opportunities to learn more about joining a fraternity or sorority at UNC. UNC’s Interfraternity and Panhellenic councils are both hosting recruitment events in mid-January.

The Interfraternity Council is the largest men’s organization at UNC, serving as the governing body for 27 member fraternities and over 1400 men. IFC Recruitment Kick-Off will be at 6pm in the Great Hall on Sunday, January 12th. Recruitment week will be 1/12-1/17.

The Panhellenic Council, which is the largest women’s organization on campus governing body of the 12 National Panhellenic Conference sororities at UNC, will host its Informal Recruitment Fair on January 15th in the Carolina Union Auditorium from 7-8pm. 

By joining one of Carolina’s Greek organizations, students can take part in a proud UNC tradition that dates back to 1851. Collectively, these organizations perform 22,000 hours of community service and raise over $1.0 million for local and national philanthropies annually. Members are involved in scholarly research, Student Government Association, the Honor Court, Varsity and club sports, and serve as orientation leaders, residence assistants, and writers for the Daily Tar Heel. UNC sororities and fraternities have Morehead-Cain, Rhodes, Marshall, Truman and Luce scholarship recipients.

The Office of Fraternity & Sorority Life oversees the fraternity and sorority organizations at Carolina. The staff provides advising, support, training, resources, programs and services, maintains communications with faculty and alumni advisors and parents, works closely with national organizations and governing bodies, organizes leadership retreats and workshops, supports the academic performance of fraternity and sorority members, and recognizes positive achievements of individuals and organizations. Please contact them at [email protected] or 919-962-8298 for more information.

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