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Juneteenth Resources

This Juneteenth, we celebrate the end of slavery in the United States and commit to creating a more free, fair, and equitable world. The Carolina Union would like to share local events, monuments and memorials, resources, and lists of Black-owned businesses to help our community mark and celebrate the day.


Town of Carrboro Juneteenth  Current and former African American elected officials of Orange County have come together to share a Resolution in Recognition of 400 Years of the African American Story. This resolution will be read by the elected officials, who will then recognize past and present African American elected officials in Orange County.  Following the resolution and recognition, Dr. Freddie Parker, Professor Emeritus of History at North Carolina Central University, will give a presentation on the history of Juneteenth.

Bull City Block Party Hosted by Beyu Cafe  This Juneteenth celebrate #UnityintheCommunity at the first-ever online benefit concert to help us  #FEEDDURM  #SUPPORTLOCALARTISTS and #CHANGE what’s possible in our community.

Open Air Market (Postponed until July 10 due to expected inclement weather)  A day of peace, unity, and reflection to celebrate Black independence and excellence.

#TheBounceBackRDU To commemorate the resilient spirit of African Americans and to celebrate Juneteenth, #TheBounceBackRDU, a virtual storytelling event, will stream live on YouTube and Facebook, 7 pm, Friday, June 19, 2020. The pre-recorded stories will stream live on YouTube and Facebook, and include a post-show Q&A with the storytellers.

A Conversation on Anti-Blackness, White Privilege, and Allyship (June 22) TEAM ADVANCE, in partnership with the Center for Faculty Excellence and the College of Arts & Sciences, will host a special webinar conversation on Anti-Blackness, White Privilege, and Allyship.

Up Close with Nikole Hannah-Jones (June 24, registration required) Join us for a conversation with Pulitzer Prize winning author Nikole Hannah-Jones ’03 MA and Carolina professor Jim Leloudis. They will discuss Nikole’s Carolina story, her career – specifically her award winning work on The 1619 Project, and her thoughts on the current social justice movement. There will be an opportunity to submit questions.

Black-Owned Businesses

Chapel Hill and Carrboro (List from Daily Tar Heel)

Durham (List from Discover Durham)

Raleigh (List from Visit Raleigh)

Triangle (List from News & Observer)

Monuments and Memorials

Chapel Hill Nine Memorial A marker dedicated in 2020 on West Franklin Street dedicated to the nine Lincoln High School (once Chapel Hill’s all-Black high school) students who in 1960 organized a sit-in at Colonial Drug Store.

Monument to Unmarked Graves, Old Chapel Hill Cemetery A monument erected in 2016 to honor unmarked graves of Black people, including many slaves, in the cemetery on South Road. 

Readings, Resources, and Other Materials

The 1619 Project New York Times project led by UNC Alumn Nikole Hannah-Jones the examines the history and legacy of slavery in the United States.

The National Museum of African American History and Culture  Resources and information about the origins of Juneteenth and the history of celebrations.

Robin J. DiAngelo, White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism (2018) Available as an ebook through UNC Libraries

Frederick Douglass, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, American Slave  Available as an ebook through UNC Libraries

Harriet Jacobs, Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl Available as an ebook available through Google 

Scene On Radio Podcast (Duke University Center for Documentary Studies) Season 4: The Land that Has Never Been Yet 

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