We would love to hear from you!
The Carolina Union is conducting research on how we can make the Union feel like…
HBO College: Escape the Expected
HBO College is hosting "Escape the Expected" on February 16, 2017 from 11 am to 9 pm in the Great Hall. Hosted by HBO and HBO Brand Ambassadors at UNC, the…
Spring 2017 Involvement Fair
Ever wonder how you can become more involved in your Carolina community? Come join Student Life & Leadership in The Pit on Thursday, February 2, from 10 am to 2…
Now Hiring for 2017-2018 Academic year
The Union is hiring student staff for the 2017-2018 academic year! Positions are available in all Union departments. Working at the Union is more than having a part time job,…
This Week at the Union: January 30-February 5
*/ Monday Start End Event Location Organization 8:00 AM 10:00 PM Prayer Room Room 2510 Muslim Students Association 12:00 PM 1:15 PM LDSSA Institute Room 2422 Latter-Day…
First Day of Reservations
Officially recognized student organizations and University departments may begin making online reservation requests at 9:00am on Thursday, January 26th for general purpose classrooms this Spring, and Union meeting rooms & event…
Apply Now: Chair of the Carolina Union Board of Directors
Applications are now available for the position of Chair of the 2017-2018 Carolina Union Board of Directors. The Board of Directors is comprised of a representative group of leaders on…