Thank you, Student Staff!
From now until April 13th, it’s National Student Employment Week! This week is dedicated torecognizing…
UNC Sends Five to ACC Leadership Symposium
After a weekend of listening, sharing, and collaboration, five UNC students who attended the ACC Leadership Symposium in Louisville, Ky., are prepared to apply new strategies to achieve social change…
Job opportunities for students available at the Carolina Union
The Carolina Union is hiring! Working at the Union is an incredible opportunity that gives students the chance to get involved on campus, learn valuable skills, and get paid. The…
Work of CCS student employees featured in the Union Art Gallery
The Carolina Union's Communication and Creative Services (CCS) student employees' graphic design and photography work are on display in the Carolina Union Art Gallery through the month of February. CCS is full service…
Applications for Board of Director Chair Now Open
The Carolina Union seeks student candidates to apply for the position of Chair of the Board of Directors. This high-profile position offers an opportunity to provide strategic vision for the…
Union’s CCS Office to Host The Lab Learning Series
*/ A new creative-learning workshop series called The Lab is being launched this semester by the Carolina Union's office of Communications & Creative Services (CCS). The Lab will be a…
Spring Recruitment Begins for Fraternities and Sororities
Looking for ways to get more involved in campus life this spring? Be sure to take advantage of upcoming opportunities to learn more about joining a fraternity or sorority at…