Work at the Union!
When you work at the Carolina Union, you get way more than just a paycheck.…
Welcome Back to UNC!
With FDOC here, it's time to start another semester at UNC and the Carolina Union! This year will present unique challenges, and we are committed to helping keep our community…
Apply for Student Member-at-Large of Carolina Union BOD
Want to get involved in the Carolina Union Board of Directors? Applications are now being accepted for the Student Member-at-Large and is open to any registered, full-time student, not scheduled…
Carolina Union Re-Opens to the Public
The Carolina Union has re-opened to the public. Several new policies and procedures have been adopted to keep our facilities safe for visitors and staff. These include: Masks: Masks must be…
Union Board of Directors Statement of Action
Dear Carolina Community, As the leaders of several of the largest organizations on campus, we echo the statements and letters that have been shared by organizations across campus expressing solidarity…
CUAB Summer Programming Forges Ahead
A summer of social distancing and a closed UNC campus have not prevented the Carolina Union Activities Board (CUAB) from creating a fun and fulfilling plan for summer activities. Despite the challenges created…
SLL Offers Summer Consultations to Student Orgs
Student Organizations in need of guidance as they prepare for the 2020-21 academic year can turn to the Office of Student Life & Leadership (SLL). This summer, SLL will offer…