A Message from Union Board Chair to the UNC Community
Dear UNC Community,
I am writing this letter with a heavy heart and many complex feelings that I do not quite understand myself. These past few weeks have altered life for all of us, however, as a black student these past few days have been particularly hard.The rioting is symbolic of the turmoil I am experiencing within. I personally have grown numb and feel a sense of hopelessness surrounding the news and racial tension that exists in the world. Everyday there is a new story about another person from the black community being killed due to the injustices and prejudices that continue to rule and reign. I personally am missing the physical solidarity of UNC during this time. I want to use my platform to stand up for what is right, just, and equitable. One of my goals as the Carolina Union Board of Directors Chair is to take a stance on issues that support our mission statement. In the past, we have remained silent, forsaking many populations within our campus. I cannot betray my values and allow one, Darian to show up in the Boardroom and another once I leave.
We realize that the events of the past few weeks have brought forth a lot of emotion and outcry about the history of this country and the foundational principles it was built on. We see you Carolina, and we are with you. The Carolina Union (CU) is committed to creating safe, inclusive, and educational experiences that enable students to maximize their time at Carolina. CU is a safe space for all students and we are devoted to seeing you thrive. CU is more than just a building and we realize that these issues are bigger than us. We may not have the answers, but we do have the passion and support to join in the hard work of finding them. This is personal, therefore we are recognizing that our vocalization in solidarity with UNC’s minority students, particularly the black community is important. We encourage any dialogue and conversations that you want to have. Below are some resources available to you should you need them.*
I encourage you all to be your most authentic self and fight for what you believe in. The Carolina Union supports you.
In solidarity,
Darian Abernathy, Chair of the Carolina Union Board of Directors
Counseling and Psychological Services
Student Wellness
Bail Funds:
Louisville Community Bail Fund: https://actionnetwork.org/fundraising/louisville-community-bail-fund/
North Carolina Community Bail Fund of Durham: https://www.nccbailfund.org/
Take Action Chapel Hill: https://www.takeactionch.com/
National Bail Out: http://nationalbailout.org/
The Bail Project: https://bailproject.org/
Community Justice Exchange’s Bail Funds by State: https://www.communityjusticeexchange.org/nbfn-directory
Bail Funds by City: https://tinyurl.com/bailfundslink
Reclaim the Block: https://www.reclaimtheblock.org/home
Black Visions Collective: https://www.blackvisionsmn.org/
North Star Collective: https://www.northstarhealthcollective.org/
The Legal Rights Center: https://www.legalrightscenter.org/
Communities United Against Police Brutality: https://www.cuapb.org/
Black Lives Matter: https://blacklivesmatter.com/
NAACP Legal Defense Fund: https://www.naacpldf.org/
Know Your Rights Camp: https://www.knowyourrightscamp.com/
Go Fund Me:
Ahmaud Arbery (I Run with Maud): https://tinyurl.com/maudGFM
George Floyd: https://tinyurl.com/georgefloydGFM
Tony McDade: https://tinyurl.com/tonymcdadeGFM
Text “FLOYD” to 55156 or sign the petition here: #JusticeforFloyd
Text “ENOUGH” to 55156: demand justice for Breonna Taylor
Text “JUSTICE” to 55156: demand DA George Barnhill and Jackie Johnson are removed from their office in GA
Justice for George Floyd: https://www.change.org/p/mayor-jacob-frey-justice-for-george-floyd
Justice for Breonna Taylor: https://www.change.org/p/andy-beshear-justice-for-breonna-taylor
Justice for Ahmaud Aubrey: https://tinyurl.com/ahmaudpetition
Justice for Tony McDade: https://www.change.org/p/black-lives-matter-activists-justice-for-tony-mcdade
Justice for Sean Reed: https://www.change.org/p/mayor-joe-hogsett-justice-for-sean-reed
Speak Up:
To demand release of protestors/prosecution of all officers involved:
County Attorney Mike Freeman (612-348-5550)
Mayor Frey (612-673-2100)
Minneapolis City Attorney’s office (612-673-3000)
Demand justice for Breonna Taylor via petition signing or phone banking
Statements from Other Campus Organizations:
Black Congress: https://www.instagram.com/p/CAxu4R6A26S/
Black Student Movement: http://www.uncbsm.com/statement
Campus Y: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aSoKLqed5t6ICK-h3IF9PphIa6od0Tl0DCAjONWo-lY/edit
Carolina Association of Black Journalists: https://www.instagram.com/p/CA3B9i5gf0_/
Carribean Student Organization: https://www.instagram.com/p/CAy8NgfgS3x/
CUAB: https://www.instagram.com/p/CA1eYXNAxAm/
Sangam: https://www.instagram.com/p/CA0WNe4Ff1h/
The Bridge: https://www.instagram.com/p/CA1Urusl_3H/
Political Education:
“Afro Pessimism: An Introduction” Frank Wilderson III
“Are Prisons Obsolete?” Angela Y. Davis
“Black Feminist Thought” Patricia Hill Collins
“Concerning Violence” film, 2014
“Feminist Theory: From Margin” to Center Bell Hooks
“Scenes of Subjection” Saidiya Hartman
“Sojourning for Black Women, American Communism and the Making of the Black Left Feminism” Erik McDuffie
Masterlist of Additional Resources and Information:
*Thank you to the UNC Executive Branch, Campus Y, and Black Congress for putting together these lists of resources.