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Event Services Launches Reserve Carolina

August 11, 2015

All summer, the Office of Event Services has been busy working to make improvements to their online reservation process. The new system, Reserve Carolina (formerly Virtual EMS), includes an easier-to-navigate online reservation system and the elimination of all individual student accounts, with the creation of one account per student organization. Additional features include:

Revamping the look to the web portal and policies
Creating an easy to remember url for reservations -
Streamlining user accounts and getting rid of the required quiz
Developing reservation resources and trainings listed under the help tab
Adding in the feature to select specific venues for classroom reservations
Ensuring all the information the user needs is accessible and available online
Event Services encourages the user to review the below resources prior to making reservations:

How to Make a Reservation
Reservations 101
Venue Capacities & Set Ups
Reservation Policies
Additionally, this office will be hosting information sessions during the new officer orientation trainings and highly encourage student organizations to attend.

For more information contact [email protected].

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