Celebrating the 2021 Chancellor's Awards recipients
Each spring Carolina honors outstanding students and members of the campus community for achievements in academic endeavors — in the humanities, the sciences and social sciences — as well as leadership through involvement in student life, governance, and other accomplishments with the Chancellor’s Awards. While departments and organizations hold their own ceremonies to recognize talented students, the Chancellor’s Awards is the only campus wide student recognition program at Carolina. The 2021 recipients will be recognized on April 27 in a virtual celebration via the web and on social media.
Awards are presented to Carolina students, as well as to faculty, graduate students and staff who are selected by Carolina students. Students who receive academic awards showcase Carolina’s brightest and hard-working undergraduates. Winners of student activity & leadership awards have made an important difference on campus and in the greater community while teaching award winners are faculty members and graduate teaching assistants who have inspired their students in the classroom and lab. The staff award recipients have also contributed to the Carolina educational experience through their service and example.
The awards categories include: Student Undergraduate Teaching and Staff Awards, Excellence in Student Activities and Leadership, and Student Academic Awards. Carolina is fortunate to acknowledge student excellence and leadership and these special awards are made possible by individuals – and their families and friends – who have a special connection with the department or organization presenting the award and who share Carolina’s philosophy of rewarding excellence.
Please join our university community in recognizing the recipients of the 2021 Chancellor’s Awards. A list of award recipients are highlighted on the Chancellor’s Awards web page.