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Join us at the Carolina Union on Sunday, August 14th for the 27th annual FallFest! We are excited to hold FallFest this year for the first time since 2019. FallFest will take place right after First Year Convocation at 6:30 pm and will go until 10:00 pm.

You can find more info on FallFest 2022 at 

*Information on website is being update frequently so check back often.

On Sunday, June 19th, our country will be observing Juneteenth. President Biden signed legislation last year making Juneteenth a federal holiday. Juneteenth commemorates the official ending of slavery in the United States. African Americans have been celebrating Juneteenth since the late 1800’s. 

The New York Times published an article entitled Juneteenth:  The history of a New Holiday written by Derrick Bryson Taylor. The article provides a brief guide about Juneteenth highlighting how it began, how it is celebrated, the path to the day becoming a national holiday and why it has become so important. 

Please click on the link below for the article.

Below are some books that I found about Juneteenth. I hope you will join me in my continued journey to learn more about this important date in our history. 

On Juneteenth – By Annette Gordon-Reed. This is a short book about the holiday and what it means for Texas
Festivals of Freedom:  Memory and Meaning in African American Emancipation Celebrations by Mitch Kachun’s:  a history of how freedom was celebrated across the United States and how those celebrations changed after the Civil War
Envisioning Emancipation:  Black Americans and the End of Slavery by Deborah Willis and Barbara Krauthamer:  a visual history of how Black people experienced and celebrated Emancipation
The Well also had an article entitled “Celebrating Juneteenth and what it means.”  Click on the link below for the article.



Alexandra Marchesano

Executive Director of the Carolina Union

Many of the Carolina Union staff came together on June 9th and June 10th to paint the Rainbow Flag on the CUBES. The Rainbow Flag is a symbol for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer pride. Staff came together to paint the flag in honor of Pride Month. Below are pictures of staff painting the Rainbow Flag. 

Please click on the link below to read more about the Rainbow Flag








Ready to celebrate the end to the academic year? Carolina will once again be abuzz with festivities for Last Day of Classes (LDOC) celebrations on April 27.

Games, food, films, giveaways and outdoor recreation are part of this year's LDOC fun-filled lineup for Carolina students. Bring your One Card to ensure access to all events! 

And if you're a student, please help improve future LDOC celebrations by taking a short survey!

New events are being added on Heel Life! Here are just a few highlights:

CUAB's LDOC Candyland Carnival in The Pit

Come celebrate LDOC with CUAB from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., in The Pit and Gift Plaza! Students can enjoy free food, inflatable games, street-sign making, tie-dyeing, prizes, and much more!

LDOC at the CGA (Carolina Gaming Arena)

8 p.m. - 11 p.m. Insomnia cookies and pizza plus online gaming!

RHA's Stress Less Fest

2 p.m. -4 p.m. at the Morrison Basketball Court and Art Studio. RHA is ready to craft the stress away at the Morrison Art Studio!

LDOC S.N.A.C.K.S. Pack Giveaway

CUAB, hha! and Student Wellness are supplying Sleep Kits for pick-up at the CUAB Front Desk! Kits include: eye masks, earplugs, sleepytime tea bag, sanitizer, lavender wipes, stickers, and info on sleep hygiene inside a nifty pencil pouch. There is also a chance to enter a raffle for a JBL speaker if you fill out the survey to let us know your feedback.

Carolina After Dark: Movie and Activities Night

8 p.m. - 11 p.m. at the Belltower Amphitheater. Calling All Students! Carolina After Dark is hosting a late night LDOC event and private movie showing of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Come enjoy yard games, food, a Photo Booth, and succulent terrarium workshops to celebrate the end of the semester! 

Celebrate LDOC Safely 

With the excitement that comes from being able to gather without as many COVID-19 restrictions as we experienced in months past, among many other milestones to celebrate, we encourage everyone in the Tar Heel community to continue looking out for one another. Part of connecting with each other is also looking out for each other. That’s why on LDOC, and every day of the year, we are reminded how each of us can build a community of care through being an active bystander.  

Being an active bystander means you are observing the environment around you in anticipation of taking action, rather than just expecting someone else will.  As we begin re-building our physical connections, we have the opportunity to intervene in potentially harmful or dangerous situations in person or online. If you see a member of our community needing support, it is important to reach out and try to help.  If we are all active bystanders, we will create a community that promotes healthy values, where we can depend on each other.   

We have posted some ways you can help ensure the safety and wellness of all Tar Heels on LDOC and throughout exams at the Heels Care Network website.

No matter how you celebrate LDOC, take time to reflect on the year, center your well-being and support your fellow Tar Heels.  

Happy LDOC! 

Employee Wellness Day will celebrate the health and wellbeing of workers. The is will take place Friday March 18, 2022. Many events and free food.

For more information follow this link. Click here: Employee Wellness Day

No amount of words can ease the pain, anger, or any emotions any of us may be feeling. As a community, we must recognize our mental health and perform actions that help to sustain it as individuals. The lives lost on this campus and in our communities impact each of us differently. It is essential to recognize those losses and provide space for us to process our emotions and feelings. We need to make time to take care of ourselves because we all matter.  

Remember always to put yourself first because you matter as an individual before anything. You can do this by routinely scheduling personal time on your calendar strictly for you and your needs and utilizing the resources on campus that are accessible for you and many other ways.   

This list does not encompass all the resources available to students, staff, and faculty. It is just a few. A few resources that are accessible through the University and Student Union include the following. In response to these events, the Carolina Union Board of Directors continually works on ideas to create a space accessible to students, staff, and faculty. To bring everyone together to come together and express themselves to allow students to feel recognized and their emotions. As we continue to transition back into a new way of functioning as individuals. 

The meditation room is a quiet space free from distractions.  It sits in the very back of The Underground in room 1101A.
Student Wellness seeks to enhance our campus community's individual and collective health through a wide range of programs, services, and resources. They offer 1-1 personal wellness coaching that focuses on maintaining the seven dimensions of emotional health.
Campus Health provides a full spectrum of expert, patient-centered, and inclusive ambulatory primary medical care for students, including full-service radiology, physical therapy, and pharmacy service.
Counseling and Psychological Services helps students gain healthy life skills and academic excellence by achieving and maintaining a healthy emotional and mental outlook.
Sister Talk is an organization designed to increase a sense of belonging and give women of color, specifically, Black identified women, the space, tools, and resources to navigate UNC-Chapel Hill successfully.
Remember, you matter. No matter how big your problems are right now, remember that the impact you have on your community is more significant than you may realize. As a community, let’s use this Wellness Day to take care of you and check on your loved ones. 

With love,

Jamya Graham


Celebrate Latinx Heritage Month (Sept. 15 through Oct. 15)

The Carolina Latinx Center in Abernethy Hall will host all the following events unless otherwise noted.
Check the CLC calendar for updates.

Are you passionate about representing the entire student body at Carolina, and helping uphold the Carolina Union's mission to create safe, inclusive and educational experiences?

We need leaders like you.

The Carolina Union Board of Directors are seeking applicants for the Student Member-at-Large and student organization appointment positions. The applications are available on Heel Life and Questions? Email [email protected]

The Board of Directors is comprised of a representative group of leaders on campus, including the Director of the Carolina Union, faculty members appointed by the Chancellor, appointed graduate students, and select student leaders from various student organizations. 

The appointed both the Student Member-at-Large and student organization appointment positions are selected by the Carolina Union Board of Directors Membership Committee from an application process open to any registered, full-time student, not scheduled to graduate prior to the conclusion of the term they are to serve. This students will serve as a representative of the student body as a whole, and is thus a vital voice to the operations and the consciousness of the board.

Both positions are required to attend the bimonthly Union Board of Directors meetings, as well as meetings scheduled by any committees or subcommittees to which the student is appointed. Meetings are held on Wednesdays at 5:00 pm.

The primary duties of the Board include, but are not limited to:

Selection of the Chair of the Carolina Union Board of Directors
Participation in the selection of the Union Director
Review, evaluation, and approval of Union finances
Long range planning for the Union, including consideration and recommendation of
Necessary fee increases to the appropriate parties
Establishment of Union policy with regard to facilities use, programming, finances and
Such other areas as the Board deems appropriate
Final arbitration of disputes arising over Union policy


Carolina Union's annual FallFest celebration provides a fun welcome to campus for all. New and returning Tar Heels have the opportunity to meet others and participate in student activities.

Due to impending weather, FallFest activities have been canceled.

SmallFest Involvement Fair August 23-27

SmallFest is an in-person student organizations involvement fair that will be hosted during the week of August 23-27, in the Pit from 11am-1pm. SmallFest will offer in-person tabling opportunities for new and returning students to connect with student organizations and learn more about getting involved with student orgs and making the most out of their Carolina experience.
Over 280 clubs are participating during the week.
RSVP on Heel Life.Types of Student Orgs participating per day:
Monday: Academic and Ideology & Politics
Tuesday: Service
Wednesday: Cultural-International and Faith & Religion, Special Interest-Entrepreneurial, Environmental, and Military Affiliated
Thursday: Fraternity & Sorority, Media, Performance, Student Government, Special Interest-Visual Art
Friday: Special Interest: Health & Wellness, Sport & Recreation, and Professional Development
Questions? Contact Student Life & Leadership at [email protected].
RSVP for SmallFest on Heel Life.

Learn more about student organizations with SmallFest Films 21
Get involved and make the most out of your Carolina experience! 

May 25 marks one year since the senseless murder of George Floyd. We have lived through a year of protests and demonstrations around our nation. Our campus community responded with protests. Our community supported one another and provided resources. In response to the unrest in our nation, the Carolina Union staff have participated in discussions around creating a community of Diversity and Inclusion in the Union. As a staff, we have been having difficult conversations around diversity and inclusion. These conversations are needed for us to support one another, learn, grow, and educate our students. We are embarking on the next steps of the Carolina Union’s Diversity and Equity plan this summer to be implemented in the fall semester.   

A message was sent out to our campus community yesterday from the University Office of Diversity and Inclusion, and we hope you will take time and reflect.   

Message from the University Office of Diversity and Inclusion: 

On Tuesday, May 25 at noon, the Bell Tower will ring an additional nine times in recognition of George Floyd’s final trauma. We invite you to take 9 minutes and 29 seconds at that time to reflect in silence on the violence inflicted upon and pain suffered by African American and Black people in the U.S., how our country has responded and changed over the past year, and how we can each improve our understanding, relationships, and support of the BIPOC community both at Carolina and beyond. George Floyd did not die in vain – instead, he galvanized a nation and our campus. 

Thank you 

Alexandra Marchesano 

Executive Director of the Carolina Union 


Resources for the Campus Community

The CAPS Multicultural Health Program is specifically dedicated to meeting the needs of students of color.

Black Mental Health Resources (curated by NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness) provides a variety of outlets to support your well-being at any time…but particularly during this time of crisis.

Anti-Racism Resources

Numerous articles, videos, podcasts, books, websites, films, tv series, organizations and more can be found on the Diversity and inclusion Office Anti-Racism Resources page to help facilitate dialogue.

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