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This Week at the Union: January 16-20

What's happening at the Carolina Union this week? Check out all the events happening below! Contact the host organization if you have any questions. See our full calendar of events here.

4:00 PM
7:00 PM
College Life Club
Room 3411
College Life (CL)
5:00 PM
6:00 PM
Chancellor's Fellowship Info Session
Room 2422
Office of the Chancellor
5:45 PM
7:00 PM
Alpha Epsilon Delta Interst Meeting
Room 3209
Alpha Epsilon Delta Pre-Health Honor Society
6:00 PM
9:00 PM
DPO Event
Room 3503
Delta Phi Omega
6:15 PM
7:15 PM
Phi Beta Chi Interest Session
Room 2423
Phi Beta Chi
7:00 PM
8:30 PM
Student Friends of the Ackland Board Meeting
Room 3407
Student Friends of the Ackland Art Museum
7:00 PM
11:00 PM
WXYC Spring Hiring
Room 3502
WXYC Chapel Hill 89.3 FM
7:00 PM
11:00 PM
WXYC Spring Hiring
Room 3509
WXYC Chapel Hill 89.3 FM
8:00 PM
9:00 PM
Blank Canvas Interest Meeting
Room 3408
Blank Canvas
9:30 AM
4:00 PM
CHCCS Volunteer Recruitment days
Room 3102
APPLES Service Learning Program
9:30 AM
11:30 AM
First Look
Room 3411
UNC Visitors' Center
11:00 AM
2:00 PM
Hunger Lunch
Room 3205
Campus Y - Nourish UNC-CH
4:30 PM
11:30 PM
Tarpeggios Auditions
Room 2422
The Tarpeggios
5:00 PM
8:00 PM
Room 2423
Campus Christian Fellowship at UNC-CH
5:00 PM
7:00 PM
Spring 2016 Board Meetings
Room 3102
Carolina Union
5:00 PM
6:00 PM
Interest Meeting
Room 3206A
Carolina Scientific
6:00 PM
10:00 PM
Be Happy Carolina
Room 3201
Carolina Yesplus
6:00 PM
10:00 PM
WXYC Spring Hiring
Room 3502
WXYC Chapel Hill 89.3 FM
6:00 PM
10:00 PM
WXYC Spring Hiring
Room 3509
WXYC Chapel Hill 89.3 FM
8:00 PM
10:00 PM
Lambda Phi Epsilon Info Sessions
Room 3102
Lambda Phi Epsilon
8:00 PM
10:00 PM
False Profits Jam
Room 3205
False Profits
8:00 PM
9:00 PM
Phi Beta Chi Interest Session
Room 3503
Phi Beta Chi
9:30 AM
4:00 PM
CHCCS Volunteer Recruitment days
Room 3102
APPLES Service Learning Program
9:30 AM
11:30 AM
First Look
Room 3411
UNC Visitors' Center
3:30 PM
5:00 PM
Tunnel of Oppression Processor Training
Room 3203
Carolina Union-Student Life and Leadership
4:30 PM
11:30 PM
Tarpeggios Auditions
Room 3408
The Tarpeggios
5:00 PM
6:30 PM
Campus Fellowship
Room 3509
UNC-CH Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
5:15 PM
7:15 PM
Bible Study
Room 3502
Christians On Campus
5:30 PM
8:00 PM
Triangle Capital Corporation Information Session
Room 2420
University Career Services
5:30 PM
7:30 PM
Krishna Vegan
Room 2422
UNC Vegetarian Society
5:30 PM
10:00 PM
UNC Pauper Players Rehearsal
Room 2518A-B
UNC-CH Pauper Players
5:30 PM
6:30 PM
Interest Meeting
Room 3503
Carolina Scientific
6:00 PM
10:00 PM
WXYC Spring Hiring
Room 3206A-B
WXYC Chapel Hill 89.3 FM
6:00 PM
8:00 PM
R.I.S.E. and Thrive Study Sessions
Room 3409
Carolina R.I.S.E.
6:00 PM
9:00 PM
Triage Consulting Information Session
Room 3411
University Career Services
6:30 PM
7:30 PM
Phi Beta Chi Interest Session
Room 3203
Phi Beta Chi
6:45 PM
9:45 PM
Connect Group
Room 2418
Campus Christian Fellowship at UNC-CH
7:30 AM
6:00 PM
Room 3409
Carolina International Relations Assn (CIRA)
12:00 PM
2:00 PM
Sister Talk
Room 2422
Student Wellness
1:30 PM
4:00 PM
Jummah Prayer
Room 2518A-B
Muslim Students Association
3:30 PM
6:30 PM
Student Wellness' Decisions Workshop
Room 2422
Student Wellness
3:30 PM
6:30 PM
Student Wellness Decisions Workshops
Room 3102
Student Wellness
5:45 PM
8:15 PM
Phi Beta Chi Pre-Recruitment
Room 2423
Phi Beta Chi

The Lab introduces its official lineup of spring 2017 workshops. Students can find tips on designing a professional resume, understanding the visual side of branding, and learning how to make patterns. Registration is required and will be open to students two weeks before each workshop.


Recipe for Resume Success
Students will learn basic design elements and resources in creating a well-designed resume, perfect in preparation for applying to internships and postgraduate positions. The workshop will take place on Feb. 22 at 7-8pm in Union Room 1506.

The Visual Side of Branding
Join The Lab’s collaboration with Campus Y in examining case studies about the importance of visual consistency as a critical component of an organization’s brand and its personality. These studies drawn from UNC and the greater community show how consistent graphics are developed and used to tell an organization’s brand story. The workshop will be on Monday, Mar. 27 at 7-8pm in the Campus Y lounge.

Making Patterns
Students will learn the basics of pattern-making from two talented designed of our very own CCS team and then create patterns of their own through a hands-on activity. The workshop will take place on Tuesday, Apr. 11 at 7-8pm in Union Room 1506.

The Carolina Union Board of Directors has passed an initiative making hygiene products available in all female and gender-neutral bathrooms throughout the Union.
The idea was presented by student Zaynab Nasif at a Carolina United dialog session held on Aug. 19, 2016 amongst administrators Chancellor Carol Folt, Vice Chancellor Winston Crisp, Union Director Crystal King, Dr. Shuford and Dr. Alexander. It was introduced to the Carolina Union Board of Directors at their Oct. 12, 2016 meeting.
Once the Board passed the initiative, it was then piloted during fall final exams week to determine any final needs and to ensure a successful introduction for the new year. The Board hopes this change will happen in other bathrooms on campus, as well as at other universities.

Operating Update: We will be closed all day on Tuesday, January 10, 2017, due to the weather. We will continue to monitor the conditions and provide an update for hours of operation.

Operating Update (1/8/17 at 3:45pm): Following the University's Condition 2 announcement, the Union will be closed all day on Monday, January 9, 2017. For more information:

Operating Update: We will be open 11:00am–5:00pm on Sunday, January 8, 2017, due to the weather. We will continue to monitor the conditions and provide an update for tomorrow's hours of operation.

10:45am Operating Update: We are closing at 11:00am on Saturday, January 7, 2017, due to the weather. We will continue to monitor the conditions and provide an update for tomorrow's hours of operation.

Each student organization’s registration with the University expires annually, unless withdrawn earlier for cause. The RSO Spring Re-registration period runs from Thursday, December 1 to 11:59PM, January 31, 2017. How do I know when my organization needs to register? Visit to find more information!

There are two major steps in the re-registration process:

Step 1: Complete the Student Life Registration Form for your organization (available on your organization’s page during the appropriate registration period.)

Step 2: Officer Orientation Sessions

Both the president and the treasurer must attend (one person can receive credit for multiple organizations.)
Check-in for each session begins 30 minutes prior to the start time, so please plan to arrive early to allow for an easier check-in process. You must check-in for the event in order to receive credit.
Plan accordingly as there are only five (5) sessions available:
   Thursday, January 12, 5:30PM to 7:00PM in FPG Student Union Auditorium (RSVP)
Wednesday, January 18, 5:30PM to 7:00PM in FPG Student Union Auditorium (RSVP)
Tuesday, January 24, 10:30AM to 12:00PM in FPG Student Union Auditorium (RSVP)
Thursday, January 26, 2:00PM to 3:00PM in FPG Student Union Auditorium (RSVP)
Monday, January 30, 5:30PM to 7:00PM in FPG Student Union Auditorium (RSVP)

Please ensure that your organization completes both steps in the process prior to the Spring Re-Registration Period deadline of 11:59PM, January 31, 2017. Questions? E-mail us [email protected].

These rooms will be open to students for studying for the Fall 2016 Exam Period on select dates. Good luck on your exams, Heels!



Thursday, December 8
Friday, December 9
Saturday, December 10
Sunday, December 11
Monday, December 12
Tuesday, December 13
Wednesday, December 14
Thursday, December 15
Friday, December 16

The application for the 2017-2018 Carolina Union Activities Board President are now live! The Carolina Union Activities Board (CUAB) is involved only with the event programming aspect of the Union, and its primary responsibility is to determine the direction and focus of events funded by $350,000 in annual student fees. 

The job of president is to preside over CUAB, oversee the work of the Vice Presidents, Coordinators, & Programmatic Chair Persons who make up the board. The president also serves as the ambassador for CUAB to the Carolina Community. Such a role requires much time, effort, responsibility, and enthusiasm. The president wears many hats and is essential to the overall health and functionality of a vital organization to campus life. Learn more and apply here! Applications will close at 4:30 pm on January 20.

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