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The Carolina Union Activities Board (CUAB) is accepting applications for the 2017-2018 Vice President and Committee Chair positions until March 30. CUAB welcomes applications from any student with programming experience looking to further develop their leadership and professional skills. Apply today!

The Lab continues on March 27 with The Visual Side of Branding workshop!
Why is visual consistency a critical component of an organization’s brand? Join us as we examine case studies from UNC and the greater community to discuss the importance of developing and using consistent graphics to tell an organization’s brand story. We'll also practice some creative thinking exercises to help jump start your organization's visual identity (don't fret if you do not have an organization: these activities are still incredibly useful for creative brainstorming). In partnership with CUBE Social Innovation Incubator and Bonner Leadership Program.
Register here:

The Carolina Union Activities Board (CUAB) is excited to announce that Jordan Bermudez, a sophomore sports administration major, has been elected to serve as the 2017-2018 CUAB President and Vice-Chair of the Union Board of Directors.

Bermudez has been involved with CUAB since joining the UNC community -- she applied for the concerts committee after she met CUAB at orientation, and currently serves as the committee’s co-chair. She strives to respond to the desires of the student body while honoring the inclusive mission of CUAB.

“For me, is expanding the legacy of CUAB and catering to what the students want. We also want to provide more informative cultural programming involving social justice,” said Bermudez.

UNC students are encouraged to voice their desires and concerns to CUAB during Bermudez’s tenure as President. When asked about next year, Bermudez was clear that she valued the student voice, and cited this year’s Jubilee concert as an example. “Students should be excited about seeing their ideas turn into programs. This year, we used the genre survey for Jubilee, and we were able to turn students’ preferences into a concert.”

Bermudez looks forward to serving with all types of student organizations to promote accessibility and inclusivity.

“It’s all about building a network of students and creating a more collaborative space for campus,” said Bermudez. “Our larger organization can partner with smaller ones to make the Union a home for all.”

Neil Harwani has been selected as the 2017-2018 Chair of the Carolina Union Board of Directors. He is a junior from Greensboro, North Carolina, majoring in Business Administration.

The Board of Directors Chair is the representative of the Board and the student face of the Union. Harwani is no stranger to the Carolina Union. He served his sophomore year as CUAB’s Union Programming chair; this year he serves as both CUAB President and Vice-Chair of the Board of Directors. In addition to his positions within the Carolina Union, Harwani has been involved with large-scale events, such as the Jubilee spring concert and the Holi Moli festival. He believes his extensive experience in a variety of leadership positions and committees will serve him well as Chair.

“I’ve been involved in both small and large student organizations, and I’ve had the opportunity to build relationships with both students and administrators. I look forward to working cohesively to enact change,” Harwani said.

This year’s feasibility study will be a key focus for the Board of Directors moving forward. “I’m going to focus on getting the results of the feasibility study in front of as many students as possible,” Harwani said. He encourages student involvement as the Union moves forward.

“I think the results of the study are jaw dropping,” Harwani said. “I hope students take time to analyze the results; they’ll be very intrigued moving forward. Exciting stuff is happening in the Union.”

The LAB: Build Your Brand workshop was hosted last fall with the goal of helping students craft their personal brand story. We're now making the worksheets available to all students.

These worksheets will help you develop a personal narrative, identify beliefs and values, and define your brand personality.

Storytelling is a powerful tool when marketing yourself to potential employers, so we hope this will be a valuable resource for internship or post-graduate employment pursuits.

See the below attachment for the worksheets.

These worksheets were inspired by Thad Cox Branding.

The Office of Student Life and Leadership sent five UNC students to the 2017 Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) Student Leadership Symposium to represent the University this past weekend.​

The five student delegates were Angum Check ('19), Miriam Chisholm ('20), Cameron Jernigan ('18), George Smith ('17), and Araseli Valverde ('19). The ACC Student Leadership Symposium brings together student leaders from each of the 15 ACC Colleges and Universities to build community, engage in discussion about global issues, and work collaboratively to create innovative initiatives that advance students' capacity of global leadership and citizenship. 

Student leaders had the opportunity to engage in educational sessions, hear keynote addresses, explore topical content, and participate in experiential application through their group project collaboration and presentations.  

This year, the Symposium was hosted at Wake Forest University, where the theme is "Wellbeing & Social Change: I Thrive, You Thrive, We Thrive." Participants in this year’s symposium explored how wellbeing and thriving can aid in facilitating lasting social change.

The #UNCUnionIdeas Feasibility Study results are here! Please take the time to visit to review the results of the survey, watch student interviews with Vines Architecture, and see the proposed concept for our Carolina Union.

The Carolina Union is regretful to inform that Archie Copeland, a former Union director (1987-1992), has passed away. Copeland began working with the Union in 1961 as a graduate assistant. He was quickly promoted to assistant director in 1963, and later to associate director in 1969, where he served until becoming Union director in 1987. Copeland’s tenure was marked by his commitment to the arts and inclusive programming. He was responsible for opening The Cabaret, a venue for free evening entertainment that featured local bands, poetry readings, and dance workshops, located on the first floor of the Union. The Henry-Copeland Permanent Art Collection, named for Copeland and Howard Henry (the first Union director), is proudly displayed in the Union and honors Copeland’s enthusiasm for showcasing local art. The collection reflects the richness and diversity of our campus community. Copeland also recently gifted his personal art collection to the Union. The Carolina Union honors Archie Copeland for his invaluable contributions to student life, diversity in the arts, and commitment to the mission of the Carolina Union.

How do you make your résumé stand out amongst a crowd?
Join The Lab for our Recipe for Résumé Success workshop on February 22 as we discuss the key ingredients that make an effective résumé and how spicing it up with good design and creativity will help you catch the attention of prospective employers.
We'll take a look at examples of well designed (and not so well designed) résumés, and information will be kept at a relatively basic design level. Anyone, regardless of previous design knowledge, should leave with an understanding of how to push their résumé to the next level.
Registration is required:

The Carolina Union and the Department of Housing and Residential Education would like to invite you to the 7th Annual Tunnel of Oppression held on February 7-9, 2017. Tunnel of Oppression is a tour that will engage students and guests in an immersive experience through interactive acting, viewing monologues, and multimedia. Click here for more information and to register.

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