Book Your Space at the Union

Need space for your student organization’s or university department’s next event or meeting? Make a reservation at the Carolina Union! We have large event and performance venues, as well as smaller classrooms and meeting rooms available. We can help you find the perfect spot for your needs. Officially registered student organizations and university departments may begin making online reservation requests at 9:00am on Thursday, September 6th for the following:

General Purpose Classrooms – Fall 2018
Union Meeting and Event spaces – Spring 2018 (Fall 2018 is already available)
Visit to make your reservation. All organizations and departments wishing to book space must have a pre-existing Reserve Carolina account. If a new account needs to be requested or a password reset, please select the link under accounts on the Reserve Carolina webpage. Due to increased volume, account requests and password resets must be completed by Monday, Sept 3, to ensure that all organizations receive a username and password prior to the first day of reservations. Walk-in reservations will be accepted at the Event Services office (Carolina Union Room 3105) on September 6th starting at 1pm.

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