Passionate about serving the Carolina Student body? Apply to become the Carolina Union Board of Directors Student Member-at-Large today!
The appointed Student Member-at-Large is a student who shall be selected by the Carolina Union Board of Directors Membership Committee from an application process open to any registered, full-time student, not scheduled to graduate prior to the conclusion of the term they are to serve. This student will serve as a representative of the student body as a whole, and is thus a vital voice to the operations and the consciousness of the board. The Student Member-at-Large will be required to attend the bimonthly Union Board of Directors meetings, as well as meetings scheduled by any committees or subcommittees to which the student is appointed. Meetings are held on Wednesdays at 5:00 pm.
A completed application will consist of the following documents, and will be submitted to the Union Administrative Suite, Room 3103 by Wednesday, September 7th, at 5:00pm:
Written response to the following question: Why are you interested in serving on the Carolina Union Board of Directors as the Student Member-at-Large?
Written response to the following question: The Union prides itself on being More Than a Building; what does this phrase mean to you?
Please keep responses under 300 words. Please forward any questions to Boateng Kubi at [email protected].