I write to all of you about the recent events in Minneapolis where George Floyd, an unarmed Black man died in police custody. I denounce the actions of the police officers involved in this senseless act. Our community and our nation are hurting and speaking out against this act of violence and racism.
The mission of the Carolina Union is to create safe, inclusive, and educational experiences that enable students to maximize their time at Carolina. I am committed to carrying out the mission of the Carolina Union. The Carolina Union is a place that embraces differences. It is a place that creates a community where people care for one another. It is place where students gather to go to events, to attend meetings, to learn and to respect each other. As the Executive Director of the Carolina Union, I will continue to work with my staff and students to provide a safe space for all. I fully support and value an inclusive community. I seek to promote a community where diverse viewpoints are respected and welcomed.
I ask you all to come together and embrace the community we have. We have a lot of work to do and we must do better. There are many resources out there to help. I encourage you to seek out the staff in the Union as well as some of the resources listed below.
Thank you,
Alexandra Marchesano
Executive Director of the Carolina Union
Resources and Information:
Counseling and Psychological Services
Student Wellness
Bail Funds:
Louisville Community Bail Fund: https://actionnetwork.org/fundraising/louisville-community-bail-fund/
North Carolina Community Bail Fund of Durham: https://www.nccbailfund.org/
Take Action Chapel Hill: https://www.takeactionch.com/
National Bail Out: http://nationalbailout.org/
The Bail Project: https://bailproject.org/
Community Justice Exchange’s Bail Funds by State: https://www.communityjusticeexchange.org/nbfn-directory
Bail Funds by City: https://tinyurl.com/bailfundslink
Reclaim the Block: https://www.reclaimtheblock.org/home
Black Visions Collective: https://www.blackvisionsmn.org/
North Star Collective: https://www.northstarhealthcollective.org/
The Legal Rights Center: https://www.legalrightscenter.org/
Communities United Against Police Brutality: https://www.cuapb.org/
Black Lives Matter: https://blacklivesmatter.com/
NAACP Legal Defense Fund: https://www.naacpldf.org/
Know Your Rights Camp: https://www.knowyourrightscamp.com/
Go Fund Me:
Ahmaud Arbery (I Run with Maud): https://tinyurl.com/maudGFM
George Floyd: https://tinyurl.com/georgefloydGFM
Tony McDade: https://tinyurl.com/tonymcdadeGFM
Text “FLOYD” to 55156 or sign the petition here: #JusticeforFloyd
Text “ENOUGH” to 55156: demand justice for Breonna Taylor
Text “JUSTICE” to 55156: demand DA George Barnhill and Jackie Johnson are removed from their office in GA
Justice for George Floyd: https://www.change.org/p/mayor-jacob-frey-justice-for-george-floyd
Justice for Breonna Taylor: https://www.change.org/p/andy-beshear-justice-for-breonna-taylor
Justice for Ahmaud Aubrey: https://tinyurl.com/ahmaudpetition
Justice for Tony McDade: https://www.change.org/p/black-lives-matter-activists-justice-for-tony-mcdade
Justice for Sean Reed: https://www.change.org/p/mayor-joe-hogsett-justice-for-sean-reed
Speak Up:
To demand release of protestors/prosecution of all officers involved:
County Attorney Mike Freeman (612-348-5550)
Mayor Frey (612-673-2100)
Minneapolis City Attorney’s office (612-673-3000)
Demand justice for Breonna Taylor via petition signing or phone banking
Statements from Other Campus Organizations:
Black Congress: https://www.instagram.com/p/CAxu4R6A26S/
Black Student Movement: http://www.uncbsm.com/statement
Campus Y: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aSoKLqed5t6ICK-h3IF9PphIa6od0Tl0DCAjONWo-lY/edit
Carolina Association of Black Journalists: https://www.instagram.com/p/CA3B9i5gf0_/
Carribean Student Organization: https://www.instagram.com/p/CAy8NgfgS3x/
CUAB: https://www.instagram.com/p/CA1eYXNAxAm/
Sangam: https://www.instagram.com/p/CA0WNe4Ff1h/
The Bridge: https://www.instagram.com/p/CA1Urusl_3H/
Masterlist of Additional Resources and Information:
*Thank you to the UNC Executive Branch, Campus Y, and Black Congress for putting together these lists of resources.